Saturday, April 12, 2014

Garden Anxiety: Japanese Maple Edition

My Sango-kaku (coral bark) japanese maple appears to have a couple of bleeding cankers near the base of the trunk. The blood started flowing weeks ago and I have been making worried faces at it ever since. The bleeding has since stopped, but I still worry that the wounds are being invaded by evil buggies, or that said wounds are just symptoms of some much more terrible malady that will end up killing my beautiful little tree. Beyond frowning a lot, I have no idea what to do. It's likely there's nothing much that I can do, anyway.

There's that worried face, again.

Also, the Sango-kaku's leaves seem reluctant to unfurl completely. Related issue? Or am I just being impatient and paranoid? This tree gets more shade than my other japanese maples, so perhaps the slow-motion leafing-out is to be expected. Yeah, that's probably it.

But maybe it's something else. The Tamukeyama is out in the sun and it too is being a bit slow to leaf out.

But maybe that's because this is the Tamukeyama's first spring in the ground.

But the Bloodgood and the Viridis are having their first spring as well and they're fully leafed and dangling little flower babies and everything!


... And where the hell is my new issue of Garden Gate? I need garden porn therapy and I need it now, dammit!

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